"Health is a relationship between you and your body”  ~Terri Guillemets
Relationships are special and when we develop a relationship with someone, we are connecting.  The same holds true with my relationship with the Lord, I make it a point to spend time with Him so that we can connect.  What about the relationship between my body and me?  In all honesty, I have to admit, there hasn't been a connection for quite some time, until I started taking Thrive. I have developed a connection with my body by taking one pack of Women's Thrive every morning, each pack contains two capsules. Why did Thrive become so important to me?  First and foremost because it helped me to remember what it felt like when I was 20 years younger.  Within 1 hour of taking the Thrive Capsule and drinking the Thrive Shake, I felt like I was indeed back in my 20's again.

Thrive Premium Lifestyle Capsules come packaged with two time-released capsules that are filled with the best ingredients for our bodies. Thrive has given my body the vitamins I have neglected, and it has given me the clarity in my thought process to understand that my body is important.  When I talk about Thrive, my thoughts go blank - I mean how many times can a person say, Amazing, Incredible, Phenomenal, Indescribable, before you realize that the Thrive Experience is all about the relationship one has with their own body.  Thrive helped me to find the connection I needed with my body to make the changes that have made my life Amazing, giving me an incredible desire to continue taking this phenomenal product that is so great, it's indescribable.

Don't forget about Thrive Premium Lifestyle Shake Mix

Thrive Premium Lifestyle Caramel Frappe is so refreshing and exotic, I feel like I am in the Amazons!

I am a coffee drinker, and some people may think that's not healthy, but that's ok.  Thrive can be made with water or any liquid you choose to connect with your body.  So, since this is about how I have connected with my body, I will tell you about my yummy Thrive Premium Lifestyle Caramel Frappe that I make with fresh Caramel Coffee beans brewed through my coffee maker.  I pour 8 ounces of coffee into my Bullet Blender Mug (any blender will do) and then I add one scoop of Thrive Premium Shake Mix, a tablespoon of Caramel Vanilla Cream, and a squirt of Caramel Syrup, a quarter cup of crushed ice and then I blend it into an icy treat.  I pour it into a pretty glass, top it with a shot of whipped cream and a fancy swirl of caramel.  Thirty minutes after taking the Thrive Capsules I enjoy my delicious Thrive Frappe and then off to experience my day, filled with good nutrition, energy, and a sense of well-being.  My body is happy, my life has become easier and I set out to make healthier choices for my body.  Thrive has given me the motivation to connect my body, my mind and my soul towards a much healthier relationship. 

Today I start my first 8-Week Experience with Thrive for the New Year. I am excited as I begin a new journey to lose more weight, but first, here is a little history for you about my Beginning Experiences with Le-vel and Thrive.  My initial  experiences with Thrive started when I was introduced to a New Opportunity with Le-vel Brands, also known as the LV Life.  I signed up for Free, as a Promoter, and was given a quality Back Office Login website where I was now apart of an Innovative Cloud-based company.  Competition started right at the onset with new Promoters competing for top spots as we built teams of New Promoters to receive Free Samples of Thrive.  It was fun and exciting.  Many contests were held within the first 8 weeks of building our teams on a Facebook Fan Page for the LV Life.  Go to the LV Life Fan Page and Click "Like," then scroll down and visit the beginning excitement. 

Thrive has literally changed my life.  I dropped 21 pounds in the first two months and my mind, body and soul began to challenge the unnecessary stress in my life.  My mindset had been shut down for many years, and Thrive helped me to gain clarity.  Due to a Spinal injury I sustained in 2001, my mobility has been limited.  I gained a lot of weight being sedentary and depressed over the past 7 years of my life, and with Thrive, the pain is severely reduced and my energy levels are high.  Making Thrive a daily part of my life, I have lost my desire to eat for comfort, and have gained an awareness of being more healthy.  Spiritually, I am gaining a much closer relationship with God as my daily Bible study is more focused. My cognitive learning skills have become stronger with Thrive; learning comes more naturally and easier.

I started out with the thought of a Thrive Journey and took Full-length "Before" Photos in August 2012.  I will post Full-Length "After" Photos when I reach my goal.  If you dare, Click the button to see Full-Length Before Photos.  Hahaha Misery breeds Company.

So the holidays have come and gone and I have managed to maintain a 27 pound loss with Thrive since August 2012.  I have had a tumor and a gallbladder removed, a hernia from below my naval clear up to my upper abs repaired, an 8-week recovery of bed rest, and I am divorcing my husband.  I have been faithful to my Thrive journey through it all and I lost 7 more pounds between the end of October 2012 and the beginning of January 2013.  Happy New Year to me!!  I am still on Schedule to lose 67 pounds by or before August, 2013 with Thrive.  So let's discuss my plan. 

Commit to healthy choices while living the Thrive 8-Week Experience
Make Thrive work for me as I commit to the 8-Week Experience.
Work to help others reach their goals, while I work to Reach My Goal!
Taking a Good Look at oneself offers opportunity for change.

Grabbing the opportunity for change offers a chance to reach a goal. Take the 8-Week Experience with Thrive and reach your goal this year.
Take the 8-Week Experience with me today, you'll be happy you did! Click on Photo to Join Now or Buy Now - I would love to have you as a Support Partner.

-Click on photo to go to my Facebook Page -Request my Friendship -Message me -Click on my work at Le-vel Life and like my page.
Join me on Facebook for Updates about The Thrive Experience!

I will never forget the day my first Thrive order arrived at my home.  The day was so exciting, as I had joined the company, Le-vel before the launch of the product. It was a much anticipated day.

 I received samples of Thrive Premium Lifestyle Capsules for Women and Thrive Premium Lifestyle Shake Mix, and absolutely loved it!

My first experience with the Thrive Samples was truly Incredible! I took one Thrive Capsule in the morning and 30 minutes later I drank a Thrive Shake.  within 20 - 30 minutes I began to feel as if I were sweating with hot flashes, and then a burst of energy just came over me.  Next, I began to experience a focus, like I had never experienced before.  It was as if my thought processes came alive.  approximately 5 weeks later, my Thrive journey began.  UPS delivered the product and it has changed my life. See my testimony below and how Thrive helped me with pain management and weight loss...


    I love God, my Life and I love my Daughters. I have a MLS in Legal Studies, and a MS in Social Studies. I enjoy social interactions and I am intrigued by cultural events. My greatest Passion is Writing.  I adore the Holy Bible, Poetry, as well as Self-Help Genre and Positive Thinking.




    April 2013
    March 2013
    February 2013
    January 2013